Page 3 - New Zealand Destination Guide - Alluring Asia
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HISTORY The history of New Zealand dates back at least 700 years to when it was discovered and settled by Polynesians who developed a distinct Maor PAGE 3 culture centered on kinship links and land. The first European explorer to Population | Time | Visas discover New Zealand was Abel Janszoon Tasman on 13 December 1642. History Captain James Cook, who reached New Zealand in October 1769 on the PAGE 4 first of his three voyages,[ was the first European explorer to Language circumnavigate and map New Zealand. PAGE 5 From the late 18th century explorers, sailors, missionaries, traders and Climate POPULATION adventurers regularly visited the country. In 1840 the Treaty of Waitangi PAGE 6 New Zealand has a population of was signed between the British Crown and various M?ori chiefs, bringing The Land New Zealand into the British Empire and giving Maori equal rights with approximately 4.5 million. New British citizens. There was extensive European and some Asian settlement PAGE 7 Zealand is predominantly an The People urban country with 53 percent of throughout the rest of the century. War and the imposition of a European the population living in the four economic and legal system led to most of New Zealand's land passing PAGE 8 from Maori to Pakeha (European) ownership, and most Maori Currency | Credit Cards largest cities of Christchurch, Changing Money | Tipping Wellington, Auckland, and subsequently became impoverished. Safety & Crime Hamilton. From the 1890s the New Zealand parliament enacted a number of PAGE 9 progressive initiatives, including women's suffrage and old age pensions. Communications | What to Pack TIME Health & Vaccinations Local time is GMT +12 (GMT +13 From the 1930s the economy was highly regulated and an extensive welfare state was developed. Meanwhile, M?ori culture underwent a from the last Sunday in October PAGE 10 renaissance, and from the 1950s M?ori began moving to the cities in large Shopping | Customs | Etiquette to the last Sunday in March). numbers. This led to the development of a M?ori protest movement PAGE 11 VISAS which in turn led to greater recognition of the Treaty of Waitangi in the Food & Drinks late 20th century. In the 1980s the economy was largely deregulated and a United States citizens must have a number of socially liberal policies, such as decriminalization of PAGE 12 valid passport. No visa is required homosexuality, were put in place. Foreign policy, which had previously Culture & The Arts | Religion for a stay of up to three months. consisted mostly of following the United Kingdom or the United States, Visitors must be in possession of a became more independent. Subsequent governments have generally return ticket, documents for onward travel, and proof of sufficient funds. maintained these policies, although tempering the free market somewhat. Visitors must hold per month of stay NZ$400, if holding evidence of pre- Government: paid accommodation. In other cases, The Government of New Zealand or formally known as her Majesty's visitors must hold NZ$1,000 per Government in New Zealand is based on the Westminster system of month of stay. Passports must be responsible government. Executive government in New Zealand is based valid for at least three months on the principle that "The Queen reigns, but the government rules, so beyond period of stay, or for one long as it has support of the House of Representatives". The head of state month if country of origin has (the Queen, represented in New Zealand by the Governor General) consular representation in New Zealand. follows the advice of the Government and plays only a formal role in the executive branch, except with respect to the formation and dismissal of governments and the use of their reserve powers. The head of government is the Prime Minister. The Prime minister obtains the position by becoming the leader of the largest party in Parliament following a general election. S O U T H P A C I F I C 3
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