Page 35 - Thailand Laos Cambodia Myanmar 26 Day Sample
P. 35
Around and on the lake live the Intha, one of Burma's ethnic minorities. The Intha are skilled fishermen with a unique fishing technique. A conical trap made of bamboo or wood with a net inside is thrust into the water. When the fisherman feels (with a string) a fish caught in the net, he releases the net, and with some luck, a fish is caught. To scare the fish, so that it touches the net, a pole is used in the other hand to stir the water near the net. Known widely as fine craftsmen, the Intah excel as silversmiths, blacksmiths, carpenters and as weavers of cotton and silk. The farmers have also developed some interesting skills. They use floating mats woven of dried reeds and grass covered with mud to grow crops. These mats are as long as 196 feet, but very narrow, so that they can be easily worked from a boat. The term gardener gets a new meaning with some Inthas towing this 'land' behind them and selling off slices according to the needs of their customers. In Nyaungshwe board a local boat for your transfer to the Resort. At Inle Princess Resort reservations for a Mountain View Chalet have been confirmed for the following 2 nights. Inle Princess Resort lies on the eastern bank of Inle Lake next to the Magyizin Village. The resort is surrounded by magnificent views of the blue mountain ranges and rice paddy fields. The architecture of Inle princess was drawn from the traditions and culture of the Shan and Intha people. Few things in Inle Lake are as enjoyable as sitting back on the Verandah or platform of a hotel standing in the middle of one of Myanmar’s most picturesque lakes, sipping away at your Rum Sour (a local cocktail) and watching the sun set or rise and listening to the prayers and calls from the local Buddhist temples as life start or ends for the day on the lake. Overnight: Inle Princess Resort – Mountain View Chalet
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